Build It And They Will Come

This line, often quoted from the movie, “Field of Dreams” is the cornerstone of the opening of this new endeavor. For two years, I sat on my meditation cushion and asked, “How can I be of service?” During the onset of the pandemic, the answer was revealed. My mission was to help others still suffering with addictive behaviors and to show them the door to freedom.

In every interaction I have with my clients, I can see their big, beautiful hearts. In the beginning, every one of my clients is unable to see their true worth and purpose. It is through our work together that they very quickly begin to see their own inner beauty and make meaningful changes in their lives.

When I began, I said, “If I can help even one person, I will claim success and anything else will be icing on the cake.” Reach out to me and join the many others icing the cake of life.

Kellie Murphy

I am a licensed professional alcohol & chemical dependency counselor. I am also certified in guided imagery and mindfulness meditation. I help people struggling with addiction to quit the cycle of dependency.

Laughing Sober